We want to share and transmit our values.
On this page you will find all the information about our agency: its history, its commitments and its values. Click on the topic that interests you.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always ask us your questions via the “Chat” at the bottom right of your screen.
Who are we and what matters to us?
Verdon Voyages is a local travel agency, created by two Verdonians Jean-Marc and Nordine who are passionate about outdoor sports.Their objective is to share their passion for their region with you, from the lake of Allos to Vinon de Verdon, while respecting this beautiful and fragile environment..
So in this approach, we work for a durable and responsible tourism.
Our values
The Verdon is a plural territory marked by its size, the diversity of its landscapes, multiplicity of its cultural and natural heritage, its history and its memories. In this contrasting territory, Verdon Voyages is committed, in conjunction with the operators and institutions concerned, to promoting and supporting the development of services and products adapted to local specificities.
Verdon Voyages is committed to substantial tourism based on fundamental values for the harmonious development of the territory :

Our Active participation in the local economy values :
Solid and long-lasting partnerships with our service providers and affiliates who live 90% of the time in the Verdon.
“Off-season” commercial strategy. Verdon Voyages develops the tourist offer in order to strengthen the local economy, currently too dependent on the summer attendance.
Choice of our suppliers and subcontractors in priority on the territory.
Promotion of local crafts and producers to our customers (short circuit).
Our Values-An ecological awareness
Accompanying our customers to a tourist practice respectful of the environment. Dissemination of “good practice guides” and relaying of existing materials published by the Parc Naturel Régional du Verdon and the various actors of the territory working in this direction.
Qualification and diversification of the tourist offer to promote the influence and preserve the WHOLE TERRITORY. Especially, Verdon Voyages strives to make visible service providers far from the main centers of interest; which helps to limit the concentration of tourist flows and the saturation of certain sites.
Highlighting quality approaches and more particularly “Value Parc” members in our descriptions and communication media.

A quality approach and a strong Corporate Social Responsibility
Information and orientation of tourists ALL YEAR ROUND thanks to our websites and the means of communication (chat, e-mail and telephone / social networks) set up.
- Welcoming and listening carefully to the needs of the clientele in order to respond to the demand as well as possible in a concern of safety of the people and the environments.
- Permanent concern to be part of the collective strategies of territorial development by participating in the various meetings and consultation actions.
- A company that wants to be exemplary with a reduced carbon footprint:
- By offsetting 200% of its CO2 emissions generated by its servers as part of the MYCLIMATE program.
- Putting limitation on printed paper media as much as possible thanks to digital alternatives.
Restraining the opening of the store (which consumes a lot of energy) to the peaks of tourist traffic.
- Hiring strategy that favors job security in consultation with the employees. A desire to make positions permanent for the year according to the development of the company.
Support for training and skills development for Verdon Voyages employees.
A consideration of individual needs and an adaptation of rhythms to allow professional development.
The sustainable tourism guide
Simple little gestures and a little “common sense” (Our values) do a lot of good for nature and the people who live there! Likely, here is a non-exhaustive list of good practices for sustainable tourism:

Prefer short circuits! That’s good, our region has a multitude of traditional markets where the stalls are full of good local products. Especially, to have the list of markets by village you can go on this page.

Limit disposable plastic packaging. A good stainless steel water bottle is shockproof, light and reusable for life! A sandwich wrapped in paper will prevent an intestinal obstruction to a fox that would approach too close to a garbage can…

Get to know your vacationing neighbors because you may have the same activity projects, which will allow you to carpool (you will see that in high season the trips are long and parking is not always easy) in a friendly atmosphere!

“This flower is beautiful”! Yes it is, but take a picture of it and leave it alone. Many species of plants are endemic and protected. Walk on the paths without going far to avoid trampling anything and especially avoid bouquets and other bucolic pickings.

Nature and its inhabitants only make noise for a specific purpose: to alert, to protect, to call… Enjoy the natural sounds and try to identify them rather than increasing the decibels with music… portable speakers are strictly forbidden in the grand canyon: you could be fined.

If you plan to swim or practice a water sport, don’t forget that you are in the natural environment of algae, plants, fish… and all these little creatures don’t digest non-degradable cosmetics! Choose products of natural origin.

Holidays are an opportunity to move your body… without putting yourself in the red. We suggest you rent an electric bike for the duration of your stay. If it is, you will want to adopt one as soon as you get home,

The Verdon is a HUGE territory that is not limited to the Grand Canyon, the Galetas-Lac de Sainte Croix beach and the Martel trail. Certainly these places are famous and worth the detour but they concentrate the flow of visitors: saturated path, crowded beach, traffic jam of pedal boats… If you are in need of ideas, please visit our website which will provide you with a lot of information to get off the beaten track and enjoy a FULL NATURE vacation!
If you wish to go further, we invite you to visit the European Charter for Sustainable Tourisme
The Parc Naturel Régional du Verdon is also a veritable mine of information. It puts many supports at the disposal of the public. We adhere to the values it conveys and support the awareness-raising actions it develops so that sustainable tourism becomes the new norm.
Moreover, we are certain that you will understand this message and it is with joy and confidence that we will welcome you to the Verdon. “We live on site year-round and love our territory. If we’re promoting it and inviting you to discover the Verdon, it’s because we know it’s magnificent, but often what is beautiful is fragile!
Where to find us?
Our agency based in Moustiers Sainte-Marie
Verdon Voyages, chemin Marcel Provence, 04360 Moustiers Sainte-Marie. The store is open every day from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pm (from June to September). Outside these dates, we are present and reachable on the “chat” of our website.
At the cinema of Gréoux les bains
For the 3D film Verdon Secret. Come and see us at the Gréoux Les Bains Convention Center and we will be delighted to tell you about our passion for this territory!
On our website
We are open all year round and answer your questions even out of season on the chat or by mail. If you have any questions about reservations, we will call you back. Reservations can be made online at any time.
By mail info@verdonvoyages.com
By “chat”: leave us a message on the chat, we answer within two hours.